Our goals

The main goals of the Foundation are:

Krzewienie wiedzy ikona

Spreading knowledge about Jozef Oleksy's social and political activity

Propagowanie wiedzy ikona

Promoting knowledge about politics, law and economics

Wspieranie rozwoju świadomości społecznej ikona

Supporting the development of social awareness in the field of integration, anti-discrimination, acceptance and tolerance in the public debate

Our goals

The Foundation pursues its goals in the following areas:


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Promoting culture in public debate at home and abroad.


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Promoting dialogue and the development of political, economic and social relations between domestic and foreign entities and institutions.


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Promoting the development of Polish economic and social ties in the international arena.


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Organizing concerts, performances, readings, seminars, lectures and meetings promoting and supporting humanistic values and dialogue between various participants in public and social life.


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Conducting journalistic and informative activities in the field of political, legal and economic sciences, including publishing books, magazines, brochures


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Promoting the development of education and political and economic activities, educational activities.

Foundation Board

Foundation Council

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find important documents

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Foundation Statutory Documents

statut ikona